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The Sixth Labour of Hercules
This recent series of works by Dolores de Sade are concerned with uncovering and representing those moments when there appears a tear in the membrane between artificialia and naturalia. A forensic look at human material incursion and the revenge taken by nature when, as it must, our more and less puny efforts to control prove flawed. De Sade often represents liminal objects and spaces, the boundary ‘lands’ that generally go unnoticed: window sills, road verges, abandoned footpaths, untended front gardens. This investigation of the infraordinary has enjoyed something of a heyday in the visual arts and elsewhere recently. But what distinguishes and affords de Sade’s work an impressive gravitas is the medium and visual language through which she chooses to render her themes. De Sade is currently pursuing her printmaking on an artists’ residency program in Japan.