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Both achingly apt metaphor and stomach-churning matter of fact, Jeremy Deller’s ‘We Have Been Swimming In Shit’ (2024) continues the artist’s rich vein of critical street poster interventions. As with his previous ‘Cronyism Is English For Corruption’ (2021) the first tranche of the open edition of Deller’s ‘Swimming’ poster was sold through the Art Car Boot Fair. It is now exclusively available as part of the continually growing archive of signed visual activist / artists’ poster prints for sale via flyingleaps. As an artist Deller wants to rile people, get them thinking, to challenge how things stand and through a bringing together of disparate points of view and the people who hold them have a tangible social impact. The artists’ role in society is s/he’s “[A]lways a bit of a troublemaker. They fight with ideas and imagery […], of course, there’s artists who make beautiful things and that’s fine but that’s not where my focus is.’